Welcome Application
Illuminates Your Way
The Welcome Application is a one-stop shop for newcomers in the given scope, bringing all important information, links to public and private resources that can be accessed and utilized more easily on mobile iOS and Android smartphones.
The Welcome Application attempts to raise newcomers' awareness of their new surroundings:
- Social Services
- Health
- Education and training
- Housing
- Transportation
- Employment

App Features

Navigation App

Point of Interest


Secure Enough

User Features
Calendar Events
Find details of activities in the city
Change Language
Use the app in several different languages
by Local Authorities
Find some locally used words
Daily Expressions
Find commonly used sentences in daily life
Add Personal info
Add important info and keep on your phone
Add Favorites
Add places important


This project has received funding from the European Union's Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) under grant agreement No:957978.