Smart Matching Tool
Brings The Hands Together
Smart Matching Tool is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based program that matches mentors with mentees.
SMT smartly pairs newly arrived third country nationals (TCNs or newcomers) with the volunteered members of the local community in order to help them overcome the daily life difficulties and challenges at the early stages of their integration process.
SMT provides;
- High caliber NLP semantic similarity approach which assists matching process and saves hours of time when compared to conventional approaches.
- Predicted relationship success percentage between the two parties.
- Ranked suggestions based on the match preferences.

SMT Use Cases
SMT can also be adopted in different areas to find precise matches for people seeking arrangements such as in employment, social, or education programs.
SMT can match talented scholars with students, introduce expert mentors from various professional fields to universities, schools, corporate training, and in other educational venues.
Governmental Bodies or Municipalities:
SMT can help to cross-reference talents and skills within projects or tasks in any programs or events by applying a semantic similarity approach.
Social Programs:
SMT can help;
- to find the perfect fit for singles with high quality matching in the dating business.
- to find travel partners or housing partners.
- to match the landlords with tenants.

App Features
Success With SMT

Reduce Risk
Find details of activities in the city
Improve Efficiencies
Use the app in several different languages
Use Data
by Local Authorities

This project has received funding from the European Union's Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) under grant agreement No:957978.