Social Integration Through The Welcome Application

Case Study: Social Integration in Mechelen Municipality

The Municipality of Mechelen is part of the Orient8 project, which was created to support the integration and social acceptance of immigrants. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by newcomers, the city aimed to facilitate access to essential services, information and community engagement opportunities.
Key Areas of Impact
Enhanced Social Integration
Streamlined Municipal Services
Improved Access to Information
Solution With Welcome Application
Managed by Beyond the Horizon, ORIENT8 is a comprehensive social mentoring initiative featuring smart tools and activities, including Welcome Application a mobile app to centralize key information for newcomers.
Newcomers often experienced difficulties in navigating the local bureaucracy, accessing social services, and integrating into the community. The absence of a centralized information platform made the transition for immigrants more daunting, impacting their settlement experience and social integration.
NioyaTech, foregrounded as the developer, crafted the Welcome Application for Mechelen Municipality, a key part of the Orient8 program. This app features a user-friendly interface, extensive information on housing, healthcare, education, and employment, plus multilingual support, offline access, and GDPR compliance, ensuring a wide reach and respect for user privacy.

"Beyond the Horizon proudly recommends the Welcome App developed by Nioyatech, serving as a comprehensive mobile solution for newcomers. With seamless accessibility on both iOS and Android smartphones, the Welcome App significantly enhances newcomers’ awareness of their new local environment.” Hasan Suzen
President of Beyond The Horizon
Benefits and Outcomes
Digital Inclusivity
Leveraging digital technology, the municipality improved service accessibility and affirmed its commitment to diversity and inclusivity
Community Connectivity
The application facilitated connections with local events, communities, and services, promoting greater community cohesion
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